Picture of Founder

Board Member - Mr. Samir Nassrallah

Samir Nassrallah

Agriculture Engineer (Horticulturist)
BSc in Agricultural Sciences (AUB)
MSc in Agricultural Sciences (AUB)
  • Practiced as agricultural consultant for 5 years in a firm that deals with Agricultural chemicals and materials.
  • Joined the "Green Plan" in a work for land reclamation for a period of 32 years.
  • Taught horticulture for three years at AUB.
  • Actually teaching Arboriculture at the University of Holy Spirit - Kaslik - School of agriculture since 9 years.
  • Secretary of the board of National Evangelical Church in Hadath since 1957.
  • Director of Evangelical Carmel Mission - Lebanon since 1985.
  • Vice chairman of the board of Middle East Lutheran Ministry since 1978.
Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860